Powder days and lots more of them . This is the main feature Jan 08 - just to add to the record breaking falls of almost 10 feet on Snowmass Mountain in Dec 07. As I write , we continue to get hammered with another snow storm . Another foot in last 24 hours . The ` powder to the people ` concept allows employees of small businesses, shops , etc mornings off on powder days. Spot on !
The X games at Buttermilk finsished after 4 days of extreme skiing , boarding , half pipe competitions etc and have drawn huge crowds. Buses therefore jammed full and some pretty obnoxious passengers to boot. Driving conditions continue to be demanding , but by and large both our jobs are going well . Someone came on to my bus the other day and expressed interest that I had been brought up in Edinburgh . Braid Road he said , do you know it ? When I told him my parents had lived at `59` for 64 years , and that I had been brought up there, he showed even more interest . He had lived at `118` at about the same time. Just across the street as I recall.
On one of our days off , we each join explorers ski classes with Aspen Ski School. Today with snow falling all day we had some epic powder ski runs.
Meghan & Dennis ( the newly engaged couple ) arrive on Saturday and Duncan & Katy the day before . Jane & Johannes in the summer we hope .
A random collection of recent photos above - see particular contrast of summer and winter at 270 Meadow Ranch.