Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Back in Snowmass

Reasonable snow base at Aspen and Snowmass and season opens at both on Thanksgiving - the day my bus driving job for the Town of Snowmass Village begins again. Looking forward to it . Not much happens in the Village without the shuttle bus drivers knowing about it . And good to be back among my work colleagues. M starts work again for ASCo next week - again for guest services division on the mountain.


Mary checking in ( curbside - how civilised ! ) at Aspen airport on way back to Asheville (to help Betty recuperate ) having just arrived the day before. 3rd photo shows signs of serious oboe practice - preparing for RTO concert in NYC on 21/4/09 . All details on www.thereallyterribleorchestra.com and all welcome . Buy your tickets now !

2nd - from one of the main streets - downtown Aspen.
4th - view from Spencers ( favourite coffee / lunch spot on driving breaks ) up to Snowmass ski slopes.
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Below are 3 pics from Meghan's wedding
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Keith Griffiths on Meall Greigh, M , Debra & Neets above Baddoch , Glenshee and Lynne & Chris Sugden at Lui Burn bridge

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UK Visit 2008

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I came over in mid August and Mary in mid September . We have one week left both ofus flying back to Aspen on NOV 18. We've done more or less everything we had hoped to do and seen a mass of family and friends. The highlight of course was Meghan & Dennis' wedding on Nov 18 in Ireland.
I'll briefly recount my activities over these 3 months . After a couple opf nights in the the Butters flat in Moray Place Edin , meetings in Edinburgh and golf at Muirfield, I spent a delightful evening and night with Vic and Susie Wood at Spott , before driving Meghan's car to London via the Fosters and Latchmores Yorkshire . Then a tour of East Anglia and visit to Francis Pemberton in Cambridge. A night with Christine & Christopher B-M and a couple of nights with Harry Noble in London . Night sleeper from Euston to Bridge of Orchy where Jane & Johannes met me on station platform. Johannes. A most comfortable night ( courtesy of J & J ) at Clachaig Inn , Glencoe and then we repeated precisely AWR' s 1895 west to east traverse of the Aonach Eagach in very similar conditions, at much the same time of year and in much the same time. Epic.

back then to Edinburgh and I set off next day to drive to Ireland via Mike and Pam McNeill at Carseriggan , Wigtownshire. Meghan & Jane drove out from London on smae day and we met at Meghan & Dennis' new house ar Roscrea. A week there to make wedding plans and then back to Edinburgh before having a few days at Braemar before Mary's arrival . Another most comfortable stay chez Butters , back to Braemar and then to North Berwick where we took a let of the House on Beach for 2 weeks . Again hugely successful with lots of golf , beach walking , cycling and catching up with friends who came mostly for day or evening visits incl Mary's ex balerno HS friends. From there , it was straight to Ireland after picking up ` the dress ` in Edinburgh and another superb evening catching up with the McNeill cousins at Carseriggan.

We were in Mt Cashel, Co Clare for a whole week with the whole family gathering from far and wide . Even were I to write for 5 pages I could not do justice to that week and the fantastic wedding at Ennis Cathedral and Dromoland Castle Hotel at the end of it. For those who wish to see some photos the link is


Back then to Braemar via our very good friends Ian and Lorna Paterson in Stirling who sadly had to cancel at the last minute their trip to Ireland for the wedding. 3 weeks then at Morrone , Braemar, with visits from Robin Campbell, Alan & Darlene Fedder, Neets , Debra , Alan and Linda Hedley, Clarissa and Mary's ex Dunf HS friends. Aslo an excellent day on the Lawers hills with Keith Griffiths.

Back to Snowmass next week to resume our winter jobs. An exciting prospect with reasonable early season snowfalls recorded.

In next blog I'll attach other photos relating to this blog entry!