Busiest time of year for us . Skier numbers up by over 5% on last year. Both of us having to work extra days. But still time to play - just a little !
Snow pack on mountain is substantial and much higher than average apparently , and fantastic cover everywhere. Between a foot and 2 feet of new snow forecast for next 48 hours. It just keeps falling , but in between, these wonderful clear crisp days and cloudless skies. Jan , Feb , March and April should be very good indeed.
1&2 Skiing with good pal Lee Miller - we try to hook up each Tuesday that being one of my 3 days off.
3&4 Baking with Gaby our Little Buddy. Clearly he's getting the better of Mary at pairs. Gave him first chess lesson and he picked it up well . Watch this space.
5&6 M & I have each Monday off together. We'll try to do Highlands Bowl with co bus driver Peter each week , but on this occasion we boarded at Snowmass. Here's some action. M very much more stylish and effective than me. EJ's influence clearly. What a thrill though.