Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Skiing, baking , boarding

Busiest time of year for us . Skier numbers up by over 5% on last year. Both of us having to work extra days. But still time to play - just a little !

Snow pack on mountain is substantial and much higher than average apparently , and fantastic cover everywhere. Between a foot and 2 feet of new snow forecast for next 48 hours. It just keeps falling , but in between, these wonderful clear crisp days and cloudless skies. Jan , Feb , March and April should be very good indeed.

1&2 Skiing with good pal Lee Miller - we try to hook up each Tuesday that being one of my 3 days off.
3&4 Baking with Gaby our Little Buddy. Clearly he's getting the better of Mary at pairs. Gave him first chess lesson and he picked it up well . Watch this space.
5&6 M & I have each Monday off together. We'll try to do Highlands Bowl with co bus driver Peter each week , but on this occasion we boarded at Snowmass. Here's some action. M very much more stylish and effective than me. EJ's influence clearly. What a thrill though.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Back to routine

Yesterday was an illustration. Due in to drive at 10.15, but with 6 inches of new snow overnight , managed to get 4 runs in on the Burn and Sheer Bliss after geting 1st chair up at 8.30. A morning to dream of, not too cold, stashes of untracked powder, and virtually the mountain to myself. Got back to locker room yards from the buses at 10.10 in time to do pre - shift inspections etc and then the next 8 hours ( with usual lunch time visit to Spencers for an hour ) on rodeo lot run - route 4 .

Day before had been particularly tricky with cars off road on Brush Creek and numerous hazards to avoid . With full bus , full concentration required . ( 9 hours on rodeo lot run on that day ).

PM cover shift today and a bit of variety .

M and I with co - driver peter Green did Highlands Bowl on Monday - fabulous day and lovely hike up , but diff conditions on way down.

Other highlights of week. A morning with Gaby on Sunday - M managed to fix up a free boarding lesson from Ronnie - terrific boarding instructor and excellent with kids - see pic.

Also , v special evening with Heidi , M's violin teacher and playing oboe and 2 violin pieces ( arranged by dear Amanda ) from Marriage of Figaro. Also ( thanks to Ros ) , Gabriel's oboe .

New tenant arrived for our basement . Dadou - a 71 year old - looks about 50 - French ski instructor - and a chef. Delightful . With us for 4 months.