Sunday, July 15, 2012

Music festival in full swing

There has been a host spectacular performances , certainly too many to relate. The New World Symphony on Wednesday night ( announcement of the birth of our 2nd grandchild in Ireland coming to us in the middle of it prompting us to suggest a suitable middle name should be Hiawatha or Minniehaha),  and last night's performance at the Wheeler Opera House of Magic Flute though stand out.  Just fabulous. The raw talent and the unbridled enthusiasm of literally everyone in the performance ( we had  our usual seats in the front row and therefore almost feel we're in the orchestra pit ) are breathtaking.

In between we've had most days either on the Tom Blake or Rim  trails, been to oboe and violin masterclasses, playing a little ourselves, gardened a little ( free gratis ) for neighbours, played duplicate bridge with Barb in Basalt, had a day with Gaby and are  generally enjoying an Aspen summer.

The attached shows Mary heading off to the morning yoga session in the village with our little garden in full bloom . Preparing now to leave on Tuesday for Ireland for a couple of weeks leaving our music student Vivian in charge of the house and, importantly, the plant and shrub watering.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Aspen Music festival

Inside the Benedict Music tent.  We do this 2 or 3 times each week. Today going in for a conductors' orchestra concert in which our resident ( for which we get free tickets throughout whole festival ) oboe student Vivian is playing. Just hearing her practice each day as we go about our business in house and garden is a delight.

 Ed Berkeley directing one of the Sat morning  opera masterclasses in the Wheeler Opera House. These 2 hour sessions between 10 and 12 each Saturday morning are a highlight of the year for us , not just of the summer. Stunning performances with ever more talented students coming through and a wonderful range of scenes from operas of every description. We bike in to Aspen , get our free tickets at 9 , and have a very special hour soaking up the early morning sun and atmosphere outside a cafe a block from the Wheeler.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Jane on Sky Trail and J & M at Music tent

Jane  on the new Sky Trail on the Droste property - recently acquired by the County

Aspen Music festival concert picnics. Let them commence !

Looking towards the Benedict Music Tent and enjoying another magnificent performance.

Jane and Mary on Tom Blake trail

Jane showing fine style in classic position on this magnificent trail which crosses much of Snowmass ski area.

Mary displaying customary , and exemplary, caution in coping with this water hazard.


Mary proudly behind her wonderful new creation ( with Jane and I willing helpers ) in planter on our new west facing deck. Aspen trees providing much needed shade but still allowing comfortable use throughout day and evening . Bliss.