Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Solo skin to Gwyns - Christmas morning

Sadly Mary working today ( having had a late night singing in the two Snowmass Chapel Christmas Eve performances ).

I drove up with her to the Mall at just after 7 and equipped with DPS skis and new Dynafit A/T bindings , skins , pack and Ipod ( Canterbury Cathedral and Rudolphus carols - brilliant ! ) set off up to Gwyns seeing no one for the next hour and half ( with the exception of the occasional early morning ski patrol snowmobile on its way to avalanche blasting operations ).
Just before 8am and brief stop for a small binding adjustment

The link between Green Cabin and Coffee Pot. Always a favourite and very peaceful spot. Also ( coincidentally you understand ) marks the top of the fist steep pull

Top of Coffee Pot

Almost there - smell of pancakes drifting through the trees

Made it and beaten only by Ski Patrol. Spent here a happy couple of hours with the Economist over leisurely breakfast . Greatly missed the family though. A pleasure to share in the future though.

Turkey Trot - link to the Elk Camp chair

Just to the north of the top of  Elk camp chair and start of short hike

View to SW from top of Burnt Mountain. Pyramid Peak and Maroon Bells showing

From same spot looking west. Top of Big Burn poma tow on far horizon on right

Burnt Mtn glades.

The tight run out back to Long Shot.  Bit of care required !
......and the No 3 bus rounding the corner at Two Creeks to take me back 2 mins down the road to Meadow Ranch. Back in time for lunch with M at end of a hard and busy morning for her.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


We had 5 magnificent days in Columbus, OH getting acquainted with our 3 week old 3rd grandchild Oliver. And what fine little fellow he is.
Granny Moon thinks so too

Seems to be favourite position.  With legs as long as this, we must be looking at a Tour de France winner or cross country skier

A break for Mum and restoration to pole position ( for a few precious moments ) for Pan

1st session in sole charge about to begin

.... and pretty pleased with ourselves we were

Looks like a bit of multitasking here.  Not sure it was though!

A great visit it was, combining a lot of music , some chess, good breakfasts at local favourites and of course a lot of cuddles which will have to do us till April. Hopefully they'll take a week with us in early April en route for their big move to Corvallis, OR where they take up new jobs with Oregon State University.

Back midweek to Snowmass with just enough time to try out new snowboard ( a rocker which hopefully will reduce the nose dives in the powder ) , a skin up to Gwyns, and a session with Gaby encouraging his violin playing. We had promised him we'd watch Black Beauty with him if he managed to read the book which we had taken out of the library for him a week earlier. He did ! Major progress.

Now back to work with the busiest time of the year coming up for us both. And likely to continue busy till end of season on April 20. Fantastic snow base , so should be good.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Powder day

Always a day to treasure. If we're lucky we get 2 or 3 of these per month. And if we're even luckier they come on one or more of our days off. To constitute what is generally known as a powder day, there really has to be in excess of 4 inches of new snow. Some of the smaller Colorado resorts have an unwritten rule that there's a public holiday on every powder day. Business's just close down! Snowmass too big for that, but it's extraordinary how so many locals seem to manage to line up for the first lift at 8.30 on these spectacular skiing days.
Our neighbour and friend Beige setting off from his house across the road from us, at 8am to his office in Aspen Business Center 8 miles away. Note the cape . This ( identical one given to me by Beige ) saved my life on the last 2 days of End to End en route to John O'Groats. Beige does this every day of the year irrespective of conditions

After Beige left I started to dig the car out, but gave up quickly in haste to get the unbroken powder on the mountain

Far better option . Our house at the top of these steps on right of pic. This is the route I have all day tomorrow starting at 6.20. Should be interesting.

Today was a gem. Mary working sadly , but a day off for me ( we each have 3 days off per week two of them coinciding ). We had about 10 inches outside the house and on the mountain about 14. Got first tracks down Powerline Glades. Epic skiing morning. Back for lunch with Mary, and Rec Center in PM. Turning very cold tonight and more snow forecast for tomorrow, and indeed for rest of week. Apparently about record snowpack for this time of year. Phenomenal amount on the mountain.

Our lodger downstairs Hamilton works for IT dept of Ski Co and has recently been setting up cameras on top of all 4 mountains. They're programmed to take roving panoramic pics every 10 minutes for marketing on Ski Co's website.  Worth checking out.

Most important news of all .  New member of the Russell family - Oliver Reid Russell -  born on Nov 21 to  Duncan & Katy in Columbus, Ohio.  Mary and I head off to Columbus for 5 days next week to see our 3rd grandchild. Can't wait to introduce him to the powder!