Thursday, October 31, 2019

Australia - phase 2 - Toowoomba

With my own transport, courtesy of Ian's most comfortable Audi, I drove from Brisbane to Toowoomba and straight to Rod's house at 5 Myers Street. Rod, now aged 90, was marvelous to Mary and me the year we were married in 1974 ( crucially giving me career advice that probably changed our lives ) when we had 6 months in Queensland, and we have remained chums ever since.

The original idea had been for me to drive Rod out west via Miles ( Ann & Ted ) to Cunnamulla to see Robyn and Charlotte Plains. Rod, months ago, sensibly suggested we fly instead and that's what we did. The days at CP were very special, not just that it enabled the two of us to have time together, but to revel in the spectacular hospitality that Robyn showed us on her 75,000 acre sheep station.

The following are pics of the Toowoomba leg including a few of my visits to Cammo & Carmen, and to Binnie who both live in the suburbs of Toowoomba, and a climb up Tabletop Mtn, Toowoomba all of which occurred after the Charlotte Plains trip.

Rod & Jen at the table so beautifully and thoughtfully laid for the little dinner party that night
The dinner party with Hugh ( Rod's son ), Trish & Lee and their 3 delightful children.  So, Rod's son, granddaughter and husband and his 3 great grandchildren Izzie, Lachlan, and Abbey. Izzie is learning to drive and drove us back from Toowoomba airport !

55 Margaret Street, the home of RRR and Betty who welcomed me here to Queensland at aged 18 in 1965. I played my first game of bridge here starting a lifetime of pleasure in that game!

Ted (Ann's husband) and his daughter Alice

Georgie and Ann ( Chookie )
Georgie threw a lunch party for me. l to r - Chookie, Alice, Georgie, Cammo & Ted

Tabletop Mtn , Toowoomba
Cammo & Carmen and their family , Mattie, Sophie and Leonie plus Izzie ( beneath Cammo ) who was over playing with her cousins.

Robyn, Binnie and James

Rod after saying our 'au revoirs"

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Australia phase 1

Mary flew off early on Aug 20 to Jacksonville, FL to see Granny ( Betty ) in her new abode at Thrive Retirement Home , St Simons Is., GA. A few hours later I took the first of 3 legs on my journey to Brisbane via San Fran and Auckland. Had good telephone chats firstly in San Francisco with old flame in college days Rosie who lives there and then with our wonderful first nanny at Humbie Cottage, Debra who lives near Wellington. Worthy note here that Debra flew from Wellington to each of our kids' weddings in Ireland, Australia and Scotland respectively. What a dear and loyal friend. Meghan, Duncan and Jane were devoted to her in the two happy years she spent with us.

 Phase 1
My cousin Ian met me at Brisbane airport and so began a hugely successful Australian adventure.

After an informal lunch with Bruce and Delia at Gympie where the local paper that day revealed to the world that they had sold the gas station and convenience store they've owned and been running for the last 25 years or more. Then 3 days in Brisbane after a night in Malleny with Ian. Gina & Tim enormously hospitable as usual. She was effectively my tour manager and had organised where I should be and when. Delightful and how spoilt I was. The loan of Ian's car was also a huge offer from him and enormously appreciated.

 Phase 2
On to Toowoomba for the principal part of my Oz visit to see our old and dear friend Rod with whom I flew out to Charlotte Plains, Cunnamulla in SW Queensland for a 4 day stay with Robyn ( Reid's widow ).

 Phase 3
The last phase was the four days I had with my cousin Catherine in her house in the Hills north of Adelaide.

I'll split the blog entry pics into the 3 phases.

Ian at his batchelor pad in Malleny north of Brisbane

Bruce, Delia and Ian

Ian and Rob at Rob and Claire's house in Brisbane
The dinner party that Rob and Claire threw for me. A spectacular evening it was. From l to r - Rob, Courtney, G, Justin, Rob, Claire, Ian, Dinie, Tinkie, David

Courtney, David, Tinkie and Justin

Claire, Rob, Ian and Dinie
The Rob Russell family- Rob, Robs, Claire, Olivia, Charlie

Rob & Claire's house

Chip of the old block ( I can see the ghost of dear Reid standing just to the right ! ). Being strapped up ahead of the rugby game against Ipswich Grammar School

.. and here they are. Robs wearing the No 2 jersey bringing back happy memories of seeing his father running out on to the pitch at Murrayfield

Ian and Gina stopping for a coffee break on the way to seeing Stephen and Tina
Gina, Stephen, Sally Gordon ( owner of the property ), Tina, Bella, Ian, Sophie. Last time I saw Sophie  I was reading her  Dr Seuss books on my knee 44 years ago.  Bella is her daughter.
In reviewing old family records, came across this lovely pic of RRR the 1st marrying Anita in San Antonio, TX in 1903.
Pretty sure his best man was my grandfather AWR - see the likeness to GSR beneath.

Gina had saved old editions of The Pioneer. This one showing my father, GSR on his retiral as an overseas director of Pioneer Sugar Mills in the mid 1970's, the single most important factor in the wonderful connection between the cousins ever since.

Sarah, Joseph, Tim, Gina
Fiona, Pru and Gina

With James, Pru's husband, at his organic, container vegetable farming enterprise in Brisbane