We took Bustang bus service Glenwood to Union station Denver and from there the first rail link direct to DIA. A very easy and inexpensive way of getting there. Flew then to Atlanta and had a quiet evening with Martha at her house in Brookhaven. Next day the three of us drove up to Jane and Tim’s newly built house in Elijay, GA. Back to Atlanta when Martha took us out to her country club across the road for dinner. Very early start next morning driving through heavy traffic even at 6 AM through downtown Atlanta and onto St Simon‘s island in time to take Betty to a doctors appointment. Thereafter a very pleasant 6 days staying at the Best Western and visiting Betty, taking her to medical appointments, taking her to dinner, lunch etc. She was in terrific form and being exceedingly well looked after at Magnolia. She’ll be 99 on June 9.
We drove with her one day to meet her latest great grand child Rosie son of Geoffrey and Kahee.
Drove back to Atlanta and had a fascinating day at the Civil War Museum in Buckhead with Martha. Then a dinner on Martha’s deck to which she kindly invited Jane, Tim and her cycling friend Ward.
Flew back to DIA next morning and the same train/bus journey back to Glenwood . Home by 10pm.
Martha’s house in BrookhavenDinner party at Brookhaven - Janie, Tim, Martha, Ward, Mary

The Kelly’s new house at Elijah
With Betty on SSI
Martha’s beautiful garden after more than 40 years of work

Geoffrey , Rosie and Betty
And below - back to Snowmass off season routine . Cycling up to the Maroon Bells from home . A delightful 2 hour drive.