Friday, December 29, 2023

Early winter season up to end of 2023

 Well and truly back into ski season mode. Very good snowfalls in Oct and Nov and precious little since. 

Huge numbers though flocking  into the village on a daily basis and all things considered conditions are pretty good helped by a mass of snow making in very cold temps.  Minus 9%F at rodeo lot the other morning . 

M and I both back in to routine of walking a mile uphill to work each morning . I leave at 5.40 and M at 7. Both plugged in to audiobooks. I finish at 3ish and try to go straight to Rec center (gym) , and M back home by 5.30. Always in bed , both of us , by 9. 

Weekends resuming the usual pattern. Up early and skinning 2,000 odd feet up to Cliffhouse, Buttermilk on Fridays and same vertical up to Bonnie’s on Aspen Mtn on Saturdays. For the latter we have to start earlier each year to make it there by 9. All ‘uphillers’ have to be off skins by that time when lifts open . Breakfasts still to die for. We sit and chew the cud , talk about what we’ve listened to on the way up ,  till 11ish , ski back to car and back home in time for lunch. Absolutely brilliant. Primes us for the working week ahead. The $6 cooked breakfasts for all uphillers sponsored by the City of Aspen starts Jan 12 becomes a social event as well for like minded folk for many of whom it is the start of their working day.

As the year closes we try to focus on what a remarkable life we have here and reflect on 12 months of more extraordinary daily experiences often with new and interesting people. How incredibly fortunate we are and not a day goes by that we don’t express our gratitude for it publicly and privately. 

Top 3 pics taken at the brand new Hero’s lift on Ajax (Aspen Mtn) this morning Dec 30, 2023 ( after skinning to Bonnie’s and the usual oatmeal pancakes and eggs)  which has opened up huge amount of additional high altitude double diamond skiing off Richmond Ridge.  Good on powder days for us , but not otherwise . Too old and knees not up to it . Nor technique!

Pic of bear - a big boy - taken in late November 30 yards from our front door. High time he was asleep in a snow cave somewhere ! 

Others pretty much in reverse order chronologically! 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Back on the mountain bike

 And what a joy it was.  Fall colors have been magnificent, but Aspen trees have now all shed their leaves and we eagerly await more early season snow.

                            Coming off the Sky Trail on to Airline Trail.  Snowmass ski area in far background

                           Top of Viewline Trail with Capital Peak dead center and Mt Daly to the right
                                       Viewline to Ailrline along the top of Sky Mtn ridge
                                The bike trail twisting down towards the south side of the airport
                          The very welcome bench for weary cyclists ( no e-bikes allowed ! ) at top of Viewline.

……. and now to our usual coffee spot in downtown Aspen. The above Wagner Park with Wheeler Opera House dead center. 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Monday, October 9, 2023

Back in Snowmass - October


                                              View from close to our house looking up to Capital Peak
                                              M taking part in Aspen's Park run - 3 participants !
                                                    Mt Daly in center, Capital to the left


                                                    Iona and Meghan at the beach at Dunbeg

                                                                 Trump land !


Sunday, October 8, 2023

Brora with Bill and the Loch Morlich swim

 The Loch Morlich swim - 750 metres for Mary, 250 metres for G

                                          Bill Richards on 1st tee at Brora Golf Club

Arrochar with the Yorkshire crowd

                                              Top of the Cobbler
                                    Mike Willis and Peter Chadwick

                               The view from my bedroom window at the hotel in Arrochar - early morning mist
                                                   John Foster on way up the Cobbler

St Abbs Head with Jean

with sister Jean at St Abbs Head, Berwickshire

Braemar with the Ryan’s

                                        Iona encouraging Angus on the river Liu at our favourite swimming hole
                                             Cormac, Iona and Angus performing
                                                 The complete Ryan family by the River Lui

                                   A bbq in the garden at Grampian Cottage
                                            Meghan and Iona between the Quoich and the Lui