4 feet or so of new snow has fallen since last entry. Temperatures now dropping dramatically . -7f at base and -14f on mountain. Jobs going well although doing more hours than we'd like ideally. Shuttle bus driving proving challenging in pretty severe conditions. 2 day shifts and 3 evening shifts. Sometimes with fixed chains and always with rotor chains which you can apply at flick of a switch to get you out of tight spots. A different route each day ( therefore I have 5 different routes ). Each has its own particular challenges. Each bus has different features which takes a bit of getting used to - different rotor chain application, different disabled lift mechanism, different retarder ( particular braking system operated independently from foot service break ), etc. All buses carry skis on side of bus , so huge care needs to be taken that passengers are not still removing skis from rack when pulling out into ( sometime ) busy traffic flows. All in all , a lot to be concentrating on while coping with 2 radio intercom systems . Instructions on route change , particular passengers tp be picked up at different locations, serving the ` on demand ` service that applies after a certan hour in the evening , etc. A lovely lot of colleagues though and good team spirit.
Mary continues her varying jobs for Skico - mall bus si loading - see pictures - , car park directing , `booth 2` manning , ski corral ( ski storage system ) , cider serving at top of mountain and generally proting Aspen Ski Co as part of the guest services team. She loves being outside all day and enjoys , as I do, the contact with people . All sorts and all nationalities. Again v good team spirit and interesting people to work with.
Ski conditions are as good as Aspensnowmass remembers in early December. Phenomenal amont of new snow. Back to back dumps as they refer to them transformed the resort. I get 2 full days and 3 half days ( crucially mornings to take advantage of powder days ) to ski , M gets 3 days. We had great day at Ajax ( Aspen Mountain ) last Monday and at Snowmass the day before. Slopes ( beacause the area is so vast ) almost deserted .
Digging out car 7 clearing deck a constant battle. See photos for a ` before ` and ` after ` with the Buick. Our car continues to cause amusement in the village. We love it. Bless Grandpa Jay !
Our snowboarding activities also continue ( slowly ) , but we're both v much novices . A great way to spend an hour or so if no more time available . We'll get there ! Can now link turns and made it down from mid station on Village Express the other day without too many mishaps.
We're both keeping up our music practicing but with more difficulty . M's violin lessons with Heidi have started again . My oboe lessons with Debbie have not . Will do soon though I hope if she'll have me back . RTO concert seems a very long time ago.
As I write this with sun pouring in and clear, clear blue skies , I hear the squeaking sound of ski boots on the snow outside the house being a sign of v low temperatures.
I've put together a selection of photos . Haven't learnt yet I'm afraid how to caption them or post them in a more usable friendly manner. Meghan - help !
1 comment:
I'm so jealous - the skiing must be fantastic. Has the Wall opened up yet and Long Shot?
Also, love the blog site dad! It's so much easier to view your photos and I love the 'diary' that goes along with them.
Keep writing - it's great to be up to date with what's happening.
Until your next post...
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