The 400 inches of snow in the season mark was reached on last day of March since when there has been an additional 2 feet of new snow. One more week of work and then the resort closes down ( despite the fact that there will be complete cover on all runs right down to base village and brilliant spring skiing). It's the US way - it's just time to get on with other things ! General consensus though that it has been one of the best seasons on record.
Bus driving has been terrific and suits me well . Interesting people , challenges on the road, gave 5 days a week to take advantage of fresh powder if I wished to , lovely team colleagues and a well run organisation with good and efficient supervisors. I aim to repeat next year.
Mary has also had a good season workwise and enjoyed being outside and having a wide variety of different jobs to do. Her whole department were taken up in a snowcat to Lynn Britt cabin ( quarter way up the mountain ) last night for a ` thank you dinner` where there were presentations etc . Most impressive. She hopes to be working for Skico again next year.
We had a good visit from my niece Nicola and her boyfriend Paul which included trips to the Hanging Valley Wall in Snowmass and ` the Bowl ` at Highlands. It was a rough day for Highland Bowl ( v windy and slabby snow ) with v testing skiing conditions. They won't forget the experience though. Reminded them a little of Glenshee at times I think. Goodness they did well . Altitude can be a serious problem for people coming for a week only and not many attempt the Highland Bowl trek after only a day or 2 of acclimatisation. The photo of Nicola from the top of Aspen Mtn looking across to Highlands and the Bowl ( taken on the day we skied with them on Aspen Mtn - otherwise known as Ajax ) gives an idea of what is involved.
Additionally a few of photos of the Town ( of Snowmass Village ) race and picnic for employees are attached. A delightful day - not the sort of office outing I have been accustomed to ! The first photo of the couple serving drinks at ` The picnic palace ` show what Mary does at least once a week . It could have been her serving but she was on corral ( ski storage ) duty that day. The second photo shows ( just ) me on the left coming out of the starting gate. Beaten soundly by one of my supervisors Johnny Boyd on the right. Another of my work colleague Rusty in her trademark `tuck ` position.
Preparing now for departure to North Carolina and then the UGRR . Major house remodel of our condo wll be going on while we're away so all our furniture being moved out and we'll need to find somewhere else to live when we return in June.
Next blog entry will , hopefully, be `en route ` from Mobile, AL to Cincinati, OH.
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