June 15 and they've opened 8 runs on Aspen mtn for skiing ! Only 2 weeks ago , runs were complete down to base village at Snowmass. Meanwhile Aspen buzzes with the international Food & Wine Festival which precedes the Music festival.
Mary and I back to work , bus driving and gardening respectively.
A few photos might be of interest.
1. Our Meadow Ranch friends and neighbours Mike & Gigi Potter at a nice riverside restauraunt in Basalt. Note the very swollen Frying Pan river in background.
2. Mary practising ( for the NYC RTO April 1 , 2009 concert ? ) in a partly remodeled 270 Meadow Ranch.
3. Top of Independence Pass after a solo ride from downtown Aspen - 19 miles and 4,000 feet.
4. Nearing the top of the Rim trail starting from Meadow Ranch - a wonderful mountain bike trail along the ridge skirting Snowmass Village.
5. A view of Snowmass Village from Rim Trail ridge.
6. One of Mary's jobs on Red Mountain following a planting by Mary and Gracie, with outskirts of Aspen in background and Aspen Highlands beyond.
7. A downtown Aspen street with Aspen mtn ski runs in background.