I've selected a few more photos which may be of interest.
1 and 2 speak for themselves - both Aberdeen and Glencoe having significance for us in Scotland. 3 and 4 are of the brother of the famous Kentucky Derby winner Smarty Jones - just a sweetie of a young horse put out to grass in beautiful surrounds with a llama as a companion. We thought the teeth were particularly attractive.
5 and 6 are of important UGRR sites - a house in Maysville, KY, with a mass of fascinating artifacts ( one of which Mary is holding up - chains to link a mother and child )with the direct descendant ( Gerry Gore ) of a UGRR `conductor` and the other of ` the house on the hill` taken from Ripley , OH, belonging to the famous Scottish presbyterian minister John Rankin who saved countless escaping slaves and a bold anti abolitionist. It is argued that he was instrumental in starting the Civil War.
Finally , I have to include my barber and his family in Fulton, Mississippi to illustrate the really lovely people we met along the way, and one to show that I was able to keep Mary in my sights without serious neck or other injury . The last is of our point of terminus - intended and actual - the Freedom Center in downtown Cincinnati - just before a downpour. Of course there would still be another 1000 miles or so to the Canadian border for escaping slaves . Although Ohio was a free state , the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 made it illegal for anyone to hold or help slaves escaping from southern states, and bounty hunters ensured that if caught they would be returned even from the comparative safety of that state. The hardship we endured on this trip paled into insignificance compared to what these escaping slaves and those helping them suffered only 150 years ago. Quite a story really.
Canada , here we come . 2009 ?
1 comment:
You made it!!! Well done, very very impressed!
Well done keeping up with the blog on route, loved reading accounts of the trip and seeing the photos!
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