Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bus driving Snowmass

I wrote a bit about this in December 2007 and I'll try not to repeat . Big yawn from Mary but maybe it will encourage her to write a bit about her job as lead for guest services on Snowmass mountain which would be far more interesting .

The photos below show 1. the views I have all day long on the 5 different routes I have on my 5 working days ( average 7 hours a day ) . They're long days - actually 2 evening shifts and 3 day shifts but many compensations the permanent vista being a significant one, 2. a ` cut away ` bus on the Horseranch route and the views up to Snowmass mountain - larger ski terrain than the combination of Aspen Mountain , Aspen Highlands and Buttermilk combined , 3. fellow driver and soul mate Rusty caught in awkward position trying to get back in bus after a break and 4. the ` Mercedes `of all buses ( brand new ) used on the rodeo lot and Snowmass Club routes.

I play continuous quality music in whatever bus I'm in - either the excellent classical music radio programme ( no ads ) or my own CDs. Very satisfying to get so much appreciation for that .

Apart from just counting our lucky stars we have jobs with such good benefits - medical and dentist insurance premiums paid for us both through my employment with the Town being just one of them - bus driving suits me well . 5 minutes drive to work, good supervisors, superbly run organisation , top of the range vehicles , snow chains fitted for us at drop of hat (we had to do that ourselves with Ski Co in 1st year ), great team spirit , interesting passengers, often challenging conditions, get to know locals and everything going on in village, 4 days a week to ski if we want to and good chance of annual full time seasonal work and fill in work in summer. The way global financials are going , I may be doing this for a long time God willing. No complaints though. To start driving at 10 am as I did this morning having had an hour and more skiing 6 inches of fresh powder on the runs off the Village Express doesn't give much to complain about. Still snowing 10 hours on ! Got to drive all day tomorrow though starting at 7 . Rats !

Mary is really hooked on her boarding - now manages the untracked powder . We'll have her in sagging baggy ski pants next. Hopefully she'll give you all a description of it in next blog entry. Don't count on it though.

PS Click on the individual photos to blow up if you wish to .

1 comment:

Jane said...

Love the blog dad! Keep it up! (Tell mum to write some too - would love to hear from her...)