Wednesday, April 15, 2009

End of season & Ski Co employees' party

What an end to the season . Some of the best skiing all year. More snow in 1st 10 days of April than in the whole of February. Also , a deeper snow pack now than at any time in the season and yet everything closed on Sunday April 12. Just no demand and folk start thinking of other activities. Always closes that weekend. Monday was day of Ski Co party and Mary was awarded ` star of the season ` by the Town of Snowmass Village ` in front of some 600 people . So proud of her I was. The mountain stayed open for employees and one guest each.

1st 2 photos show one of the few days M & and I had skiing together this season the weekend before , but a phenomenal day it was. Note the stylish powder skiing technique.

Jobs finished respectively and off on first bike tour immediately after the party on Monday and now in Austin , TX. Next entry from Texas Hill country I hope.

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