It has been a remarkable summer with the other non-music festival activities being the icing on the cake. Managed to squeeze these in between bus driving and gardening shifts respectively.
Photos from the bottom -
1.Edward and Kiba our lodgers for 1st half of 09 - a delightful couple from South Carolina, but sadly transferred by TSA to Lafayette, Louisiana
2.Hiking with our current long term lodger Mike on trail up to Cathedral Lake
3.Hiking with our cycling friends Mike and Joan from Cincinnati
4.Crystal Mill and a quarter way into the epic Lead King Basin bike trail round
5.Lance Armstrong powering his way to victory in the mountain bike race at Snowmass
6.Our neighbour and guide for the day Beige at start of hike to Capitol Lake - Mt Daly on left and Capitol Peak ( a 14er ) in centre. The Lake sits right underneath it
7.This beautiful pond on way to Thomas Lakes - another day hike M & I did on our own.
8 & 9 with the abundance of wild flowers on the way.
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