Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Jacksonville Beach to Callaghan

Weaved our way through the residential side streets of Atlantic Beach to the ferry which took us back across St John's River. Had a delicious and substantial dinner at fresh fish restauraunt at the other side and had a 5 mile ride along coast line to Little Talbot Island State Park in the dusk. Set up camp amid ferocious mosquitos .

Our Atlanta friends Martha and Dick ( they were passengers on my bus a year ago and I discovered they had cycle toured in NW Scotland a few years ago in splendid weather - M didn't believe it ! - and I wanted to hear more thus starting a much valued friendship) joined us at the campsite this morning and wiil be with us for 3 days and nights.

Tonight we got safely to a motel in Callaghan before heavens opened - v satisfying. Shortish day ( 40 miles ) again tomorror to Folkston before crossing the state line to GA with v long day to campsite near Odum. Hoping for better wind and less traffic than we had today. Road construction added to the difficulties. All in good spirits though and about to eat more fresh seafood .


1 Drawbridge crossing the river from Anastasia state park to St A on our way north.
2 Ferry crossing over to Little Talbot Is on way to capmpsite where we met up with Martha and Dick.

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