1 The start of the marathon 4 day drive from Asheville back home to Snowmass. The first 800 miles in this UHaul truck with Betty seeing us safely off the Deerfield premises. Ridiculous as it may seem , this was the least expensive option of getting back to our car in St Francisville , Louisiana.
2 The Buick , as reliably as ever , cruised back through Texas to Santa Fee , NM where , for the first time ever , it stuttered to a halt with complete loss of electrical power after allowing us to free wheel ( with no power steering ) right into the forecourt of this service station in downtown Santa Fee. Remarkable , after some of the country we had just come through. One of the main leads to the battery had burnt out . A new part ( delivered from another garage within 15 minutes ) and 5 minutes of labour from a very obliging mechanic saw the Buick restored to full health and us happily on our way.
3 & Exploring on bike the state legislature of New Mexico in Santa Fee and a hugely impressive statue of the old pioneering ` covered wagon ` days .
5 Staying the night with tent in garden of an old school friend of M's, Hannah and her husband David and their 2 children Tony and Sophie in Lamy just outside Santa Fee.
The drive next day through southern Colorado and the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park was stunning arriving back at 270 Meadow Ranch in late evening.
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