Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 7 and week in the life of ......

Gosh--"A Day in the Life of...or is it A Life in the Day Of"? I think I'll do the latter. The day begins very early--we try to wake up before 6. Then on to back exercises while listening to Radio 4 Today Programme. What a blessing is the computer and its wonderful speakers.

Breakfast, and then we are off! I usually go to yoga or water aerobics at the Rec Centre, bicyling down the hill at speed. I can make it in 5 minutes. After yoga, I've recently had some gardening jobs to do! Mainly deadheading pots for Gracie of Pretty Petals--can you imagine enormous pots jam packed with pansies, trailing petunias, verbena, nasturtians, cosmos and on and on--absolutely gorgeous, and probably costing the clients about $500 each? And some clients will have 10 pots!!!! So I love doing that--working with such beautiful materials.

The Music Festival is in full swing, so after that, it's take in a masterclass, or a concert. We have heard the most amazing musicians, both professional and not (the latter sometimes being 13 years old, as at the master class today--playing the Mendelson Violin Concerto...) It is exciting to hear music played by professionals, but I think I enjoy hearing the stars of the future even more. And of course observing and experiencing the artistic process is fascinating! The Festival here in Aspen is so easy and laid back--students and attendees alike turn up at concerts in jeans and T-shirts, and the main venue has open shutters that the mountain breezes can blow through, whilst offering us a view of the mountains, as we listen. Bliss!

Home to a drink on the deck perhaps, then dinner, and early to bed. Everybody goes to bed early here as the days are so jam packed, and the early mornings so delightful.

So that's it. Ticks so many boxes for me: fresh air, exercise, natural beauty, intellectual and creative stimulation, and many friendly people. Dogs and cats are missing, sadly, but we google and fawn over everybody else's!

Must off to bed now--9pm is approaching!!!!


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