Saturday, October 30, 2010

North Berwick to London and back to Braemar

The 2 weeks in North Berwick concluded Oct 3. I took train to London and M flew over to Ireland to be with Meghan for pre - natal assistance !

I stayed with Harry Noble in Clapham for 5 action packed days to include visits to Cambridge ( nephew Jeremy, and Francis Pemberton aged 94 ) , Oxford ( nephew Tim fresh from BBC TV University Challenge success representing Merton Coll ) , Rob and Claire ( and their 2 children Robbie and Charlie ) , old University buddies Dave jackson and Duncan Robertson, and Greg and Di Desson. Slotted between all those , were some good dinners with Harry assisted by quality wine from Clapham St cellar. Thank you Harry .

Back then to Morrone for us both with visits from Jane & Johannes ( golf at Braemar - highest 18 hole course in UK ) , Clarissa, and Gail and Spencer Patrick. A magnificent walk up to summit of Morrone and superb views with Gail & Spencer and dinner and bridge in the evening.

A couple of bike rides down the Dee to Ballater ( 2nd top photo ) through the Balmoral estate with resplendent Autumn colours were as good as we can recall .

Now awaiting the call from Ireland with news of arrival of 1st grandchild.

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