Saturday, November 27, 2010

Back in Snowmass - Thanksgiving

A wonderful celebratory event is Thanksgiving in the US calendar. Also a working day for M and me - 1st day back . But for double time and half for me , no complaints.

Got back on Monday night and 2 days to get organised after nearly 3 months away. Job training for us both on Tuesday combined with returning rental car ( we drove Denver airport back to Snowmass ) , getting work schedules for season ( 33 hours over 4 days - 2 days on the Town Park Station run , 1 evening shift on the demanding N1 and one PMC - pm cover therefore different routes for whole shift . Sun , Mon and Tues off . Mary has similar hours and off on Sun , Mon and Thurs.), fitting ski rack and getting ski gear up to our respective work lockers ), digging out car , lunch in mid shift at old favourite Spencers in the Centre, trip to Aspen to buy provisions, etc . Almost best snow cover conditions since records began.

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