Tuesday, April 9, 2013

end of season

Bill's visit;
The view to Garrett's looking west from Sneaky's
                                         Upper green Cabin

                                         On the bumps - lower Garrett's Gulch and note correct position of ' weight back'. What style !

                                          Gwyn's for breakfast on 2nd ( and last ) day. Fuel for Long Shot

                                          Top of Long Shot looking South to Maroon Bells
                                         Boarding with EJ- aged 78. Not bad eh?
                                          5 days to go to closure and an epic powder day. Ripping it up on our boards on the Big Burn in almost a foot of new snow, followed by a violin lesson with Heidi in Aspen.    Last visit to Highlands Bowl tomorrow April 10. Promises to be one of the best of the season with good cover and 18 inches or so of new snow. Helped hopefully by my latest pride and joy - these DPS fat skis with touring Dynafit bindings. See above.
PS Fabulous last day with Peter - right up to expectations. A foot to 18inches in the trees.

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