Thursday, July 11, 2013

Beaver Creek - Susuki camp

Mary had flown back a month before me partly to garden/landscape for Gracie and partly to be in good time to get to her eagerly awaited Susuki camp in Beaver Creek , near Vail. I arrived back in time to bus/bike over there one day later and 2 days before the end of the week long ' camp ' . The word camp doesn't describe it at all accurately. Certainly no camping and Beaver Creek a very smart winter and summer resort. Susuki institute might better meet the bill. Mary was very much the senior citizen being about 50 years older than virtually every other student. She was remarkable. I had the privilege of being her parent, music carrier , note taker and general hand holder. What fun we had.
                              Cycling up the Glenwood canyon with Colorado river as my companion the whole way to Gypsum where Mary rescued me in the car  - uphill and very hot. Braemar seeming a long way away.
                                               Cycle path at this point under I. 70!
                                         Our old friend Amtrak on other side of the Colorado river - on its way to
                                          Nevada ! Hopefully will reach San Francisco on this occasion.
                                         An 8am class with Jenny Shaw - inspirational Mary says!
                                         2nd class of the morning and it's not yet 9 o'clock
                                          The jazz class
                                          Performing to the public beside a favourite lunch spot
                                    One of the few occasions music was allowed.

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