Saturday, August 10, 2013

August in Snowmass

The usual Saturday morning pre opera scenes masterclass routine  - coffee outside Paradise Bakery, Aspen. Hardly a day has gone by in last 7 weeks ( one week only to go ) that we haven't been in (usually on bike) for a concert or opera.  Peter Grimes in the "Tent" with Tony Griffey and the whole Colorado Symphony Chorus has been the highlight to date. But many other stunning performances.

Mountain biking with Gaby. Descent from top of Elk Camp gondola.

Wild flowers just over, but a beautiful meadow none the less and quite unspoilt by the mass of biking and hiking trails above Snowmass Village.  Gaby here making a fast descent on one of them.

The Rio Grande bike trail between Glenwood and Carbondale heading towards the latter with the dominating Mt Sopris above it.

Typical view along the Rio Grande trail, this one looking SW across the Roaring Fork river towards McLure Pass

Our resident music student Erica and her boyfriend Pat.  She's been a most delightful guest. A gem from Iowa! And a most gorgeous flutist to boot. We've enjoyed hearing many exposed flute solos from her at the ACA Tuesday afternoon concerts.

New Resident Assn steps ( leading down to Owl Creel Road. Concrete pouring day. Our kitchen window on left.

This "aid" to the concrete pouring operation went right over the top of our house - incident free we're happy to announce.

Martha Stobbs and Mary after being forced to retreat from near top of Lost Man trail pass at over 12,000 feet. Hit a snow blizzard.

A truly Scottish experience. Lincoln Lake - just off Lost man trail.

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