Friday, July 11, 2014

Barbara & Ros visit

After a disappointing start for them ( flight diverted and an unexpected first night in a Denver Hotel ) B & R's visit to us was memorable. First visit from any of my family ( apart from kids and David and Heather ) since we came here, so extra special. We had fun.

They were whisked straight from airport to Music tent for an AACA concert. This was the first of some great concerts we all went to ( incl performances by Gil Shaham and Joshua Bell )

While Ros enjoyed Music festival masterclasses , we took Barbara to Avalanche Hot Springs.  Right up her street.

July 4th parade - downtown Aspen

and the traditional razzmatazz

Part of an hour long procession - we quit at half time !

Busking in Aspen - Jessica in a few years time ????

Highlight of the week. Coffee and muffins outside Paradise Bakery before Opera Scenes masterclass at the Wheeler. Here with Cathy from Coatbridge of all places - a city of Aspen maintenance employee.

.....then straight to gondola and up Aspen Mtn for lunch at Sun Deck followed by music from a brass ensemble with views west towards Snowmass. Aspen Highlands in middle ground.

More of the same at 11,200 ft

First game with each other for maybe 50 years ?

Picnic spot at Maroon Lake

This 8am swim at the Snowmass Rec Center featured almost daily .....

but the adjacent hot tub was more appealing for some! M straight from yoga ( Ros one day too ) and lap pool.

Start of the hike to Weller lake. Note how comfortable Barbara looks with poles.

Top of Independence Pass. All water to the right to the Colorado and subsequently the Pacific. All water to the left to the Arkansas and subsequently to the Mississippi and the Atlantic

A delightful last evening's dinner at Il Poggio, Snowmass
Has to be the most civilized check-in anywhere. Bags checked through to Edinburgh - curbside. Bon voyage !

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