Saturday, November 8, 2014

Back to Colorado

We drove North through the outskirts of Portland to the historic town of Oregon City ( terminus for the Oregon trail on the Willamette River ( same one that runs through Corvallis ) and then up the Columbia River to Hermiston in NW Oregon close to the confluence of the Snake and the Columbia. where we spent the first night.  Second night in Missoula, MT which we've always wanted to visit , being the home of Adventure Cycling.  From there, south through Idaho to Jackson Hole, WY for the 3rd night ( taking in a nice evening bike ride up to Moose with great views of the Teton Mtns ) completing the 1400 mile trip back to Snowmass the next day. The time spent sitting in the Buick was enhanced greatly by the audio tapes we borrowed from the Aspen Library - particularly the Prof Robert Greenberg CD's on Mozart and Beethoven and the hugely interesting 8 CD set of Jon Franklin's The Wolf in the Parlour - the history of man's symbiotic relationship with the wolf (and therefore dog) a species a quiet 150 million years older than the first recognisable ( in his evolution from an ape ) man!

Stopped to take in all Lewis & Clark trail signs

The very impressive AC headquarters in Missoula, MT where we spent a happy hour with their helpful staff.  Bought complete set of maps from Yorktown , VA to Astoria, OR

Looking over to the Sawtoooth range and National Forest in eastern Idaho

On the Idaho / Wyoming border before heading down to Jackson

The Bridger-teton range and National Forest, WY

We had to take this for Sarah's sake. So sorry we didn't get to see her at her fracking camp
Home sweet home - and just in time it seems. First winter storm at village level. Bodes well for season opening on Nov 27

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