Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thanksgiving in Corvallis

We had a week to spare before starting work, so took the advantage of United air miles and flew back to Oregon for a very successful week.   Thanksgiving week coincided with Oliver's first birthday , so a double whammy of celebrations.

Where else but Portland airport for this enlightened sign

At the trough

The birthday boy

Dressing up and playing the card. Seems happy about it too.

An expedition up Mary's Peak. A Scottish day if ever there was one.

Close to the top after 2,500 feet of climbing. Melt down seconds away. He'd had enough.

Dad happier than son at this stage.  Both were stars though.

M and I had a day at the Pacific coast freed of grandparent duties. Impressive surf......

and some seal watching - only yards away

Thjnaksgiving dinner. Young love ! Olivia's the lady of the moment.

And back to work at 6am one day later 1500 miles away.  Waiting for skier passengers at the Rodeo Lot.

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