Sunday, April 5, 2015

More skinning - end of the winter

Season drawing to a close with 1 week more only of the Snowmass season and 2 weeks at Ajax. Four more driving days only to go. Must stay on special alert !

A number of very special days in last month, mostly involving skinning and usually breakfasts !
To much talking I'd say!

..... but they made it and here the rewards at Gwyns High Alpine

The following week and after skinning up Ajax - here meeting up with Dick at the Sundeck
skinning up Coffee Pot

and here the early bird catches the worms - fresh tracks down Lodgepole before the lifts opened

back to the house via Long Shot - all totally untracked . As good as it gets.

 Following day , this time with Mary and to Bonnies on Ajax in a blizzard. Could have been Scotland.

... but this is what was waiting for us after breakfast

.. and right back to the car in downtown Aspen and home by 1 for lunch. Another epic morning.

Next post will be on the site as we start the 1st stage of our trans am bike trip from Yorktown , VA in 10 days time , flying to Norfolk , VA on April 15. See the link at the very top of this blogsite --  easiest way to get in is just to click on that - George and Mary Trans Am Trip. That is the site. Go to Journals and then click under " new' or 'latest" and you'll find ref to our new journal " Trans am - East to West - 2015". We'll try to update it every few days or so.

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