Monday, September 7, 2015

Last outing with Gaby

We didn't know it at the time, but apart from a morning Buddy Program event ( the excellent Theatre Aspen performance of Junie B Jones ) this was our last outing with Gaby. He's now 13 and we had a formal termination of the process at Gaby's house with his mother Ligia and our superb case worker Sarah. All ending happily with lots of happy memories discussed. We hope we can stay connected in some way if only to continue to play chess with a new set we gave him.

Mary and Gaby at start of hike to Hanging Valley Lake

Looking across the Rio Grande right beside I.70 ( but you'd never know it ! )

Hanging Valley lake - note waterfall in background.....

....thus !

Another day and back on the bike trails.   Deadline trail.

M on the Tom Blake trail

Lunch with Gracie at Explorer's Bookstore

Back on the trail - Rim trail this time

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