Monday, July 25, 2016


7 days of Munro bagging with golf at Muirfield at each end. Mary meanwhile holding the fort in Snowmass and welcoming our new music student  - Norman Huynh who has just been given a 3 year associate conductor's position at Portland OR - who will stay with us for the 8 week long music festival.  Item of late news - we watched him conduct on July19 the 1st movement of Beethoven's  5th for the ACA orchestra at the tent. Other festival highlights - Puccini's La Boheme at the Wheeler with student leads ( i.e appropriately cast which is invariably not the case in professional performances at the Met, ROH, Glyndbourne ! ) , and some brilliant Mozart and Haydn symphonies at the Tent.
With Jane and Johannes in Inverness in their new house
Jane with '6 weeks to go' and therefore losing my munro companion on this trip

Angus, the ferryman awaiting me at the appointed hour at the east end of Loch Mullardoch on day 1

Easy access - 5 miles up the loch to my starting point for the 4 munros on the north side .

Heading for munro No. 2. No need for compass here


Lunch time day 2.  Left car here on road to Lochcarron and biked 6 miles up the glen to the south
The views SW towards Skye from Munros 5 and 6 in the twilight

Emerging from tent following morning - dreich describes it pretty well

Munros 7 and 8 completed, collected tent and bike and back to car

Munros 9, 10, 11, and 12 in Knoydart. Looking west to the last of them Sgurr na Ciche

Profusion - need to know what they are though

Rod i/c barbecued steak - well protected against those pesky midges

Munro 13 - Sgurr Thuilm on a cracker of a morning

A burn to cross on the way

Final pull to summit of Sgurr Thuilm

Top of the world
Looking north back up to Knoydart

Loch Arkaig looking east to the Ben Nevis range

A rare view of Ben Nevisand northern corries

Normal weather service resumed. Munros 14 and 15 in the Mamores

Day 7 and Munro 16 .  Here having car trunk breakfast at the dam at eastern end of Loch Quoich with Gairich back right

Looking back down Loch Quoich from near the summit

Dropped in on good friends Richard and Sheila Evans on way back to Edinburgh . Ewe 95 sheared. Impressive
Job well done

Raemore ( Fife ) looking its usual magnificent self

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