Friday, November 23, 2018


An unscheduled visit this one. A wee bike spill in front of this ambulance while in our charge preceded it. A text of these 2 pics to Cormac's Mum did not impress !

A happier scene in the Halloween party which ensued

Cormac - the future long jump champ

Outside our ( M and I in separate accom !) in Killarney

The ferry crossing the River Shannon on the way to Killarney

Wilf Stevenson

and his new country abode in SW Ireland SW of Cork

Nice now to see Meghan's name there

Cornac, Angus and Iona

The ferry journey across the Shannon on way to Killarney

The Falls of Torc

Meghan's sister-in-law Lisa with her 2 children Lorna and Donal with Cormac in the middle

A wonderful day cycling through the Park

The hotel at Glengarriff, West Cork my parents spent part of their honeymoon at in 1939

..... and what it looked like then !
Meghan & Dennis' new house outside Ennis ! The beech tree will remain ! This view of the house construction is from the South - i.e the pic is looking north

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