Friday, November 12, 2021

2nd trip to Scotland

An early October evening picnic at Cromarty
Andrew Latchmore, John Heaps and Spencer Patrick at Muirfield
Looking down to Dunbar from Easter Spott
Our architect from Humbie Cottage and Parkley Craigs days at our new house in Inverness
First portage of the day when canoeing up Loch Mullardoch. Penultimate Munro conquered!
Johannes putting up the sail for the return journey

Johannes a wet, wet morning and a long way to go.
Nearing the top of Mullach nan Djericain
Braving the North Sea at Rosemarkie
The kids preferring dry land
Fun with Granny Moon

                                               The start of the Corbett campaign with Rod and John
                                                    Rod on top of the first one.  260 odd to go !
                                      Anna showing skills as a kite flyer
                                           Rod, John with cocker spaniel puppy

 Back we went to Scotland for the 2nd time this summer. Arrived mid September, had 2 weeks in Inverness staying at 5 Balnafettack Place 5 minute bike ride away from Jane and family. Our tenant Margaret was kind enough to allow us to do that since it 's entirely her furniture in the house. 

Some wonderful days with the kids including having them on our own for a night and a couple of days. Finished with a magnificent picnic by the sea shore at Rosemarkie.

 John and Rod came up from Yorkshire for a couple of days climbing and Corbett bagging.

An epic day with Johannes doing my penultimate Munro Mullach nan Djericain at the top of Loch Mullardoch.  A 13 hour day. Canoe 10 miles each way up the loch including 2 portages both times. Back in pitch darkness with help of head torches and GPS. Very wet and windy. Full account in my climbing diary. Hugely skillful performance on Johannes' part not to capsize on homeward journey with a following wind and sail up.

Down to Edinburgh and East Lothian ( golf and friends ) taking in too a quick visit to Jean and Chris in Newcastle and an evening with my niece Nicola and her 2 daughters Natalie and Hannah.

Mary joined me for a day and night ( staying at the delightful B & B owned by Enke in Gullane), dinner with my cousins Christian and Johnny Lindsay and lunch the followng day with Vic and Susie Wood at Easter Spott , Dunbar.

The last few days in Inverness , staying with Mhairi ( airbnb ) almost next door to Jane, and then flew Inverness - London - Shannon to see Meghan

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