Monday, January 3, 2022

Bruin visit

 We had an uninvited guest at the beginning of December. The bear population is generally believed to have gone into hibernation by mid November, and we thought there was a local edict allowing birdfeeders to be put up after November 15. Well this guy who is one of a pair of cubs got left behind by his sibling and his mom when they successfully hibernated apparently a couple of weeks ago. The wildlife section of the local police department had been following them and this fellow in particular over the last few weeks. He found our birdfeeder just too tempting notwithstanding it was attached to a branch some 15 feet above ground level and level with the top of our deck. Rocky, one of our local cops came and shot a beanbag at him which he barely felt. After a couple of repeat efforts he slowly trotted away to find some other food source presumably. They say that if he is still around in a couple of weeks time, they will take him to a wildlife refuge 100 miles or so away and release him where there is no prospect of a residential food source. Sorry as we felt for this lovely young bruin, it was an exciting start to the day.

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