Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Scotland May ‘22

 We flew Shannon to Edinburgh and caught the afternoon train to Inverness. Jane met us at the station and drove us straight to 5 Balnafettack Pl. which our tenant Margaret kindly allowed us to use for sleeping purposes only. Made full use of the opportunity by meeting our new architect David Somerville to discuss plans which Biege had drawn for us in draft. A big remodel in the offing. 

 A few precious days with the Petersens before flying to Gatwick for three days in London to include a first night performance of Don Pasquale at  Covent Garden by generous courtesy of Harry. Staying with Martha in Surbiton 

Taking in too lunch with Bill Richards, John Rink and Nigel Bennett one day, and Harry and David Jackson on another. Spent an absorbing afternoon at  imperial war Museum while  Mary and Martha went to Kew Gardens and other outdoor delights. 

Back to Inverness and off the next day with Jane Anna and Elin to North Berwick where we had taken a house for four nights. Good healthy bucket and spade activities with a lovely visit to Christian in Dirleton where the third cousins ( Caroline’s twins  met up and played happily.

Also accepted a very kind invitation to a delicious lobster ( and very liquid ) lunch cooked by Keith at Fenton Barns and then golf with Keith, Max and ATM at Muirfield thereafter . Only 9 holes and that will be the sum total of my golf in 2022.

Back to Inverness via Richard and Sheila at their farm in Auchtermuchty and then the last five days or so back in Inverness with the Petersens.

The view to our garden from the living room of 5 Balnafettack Place
Major remodel now being planned to provide much more space and much more light.
Elin . Started at the top and still going

Anna helping Mary at 16 Overton Ave ( 5 mins on a bike from us )

Anna and Elin on the beach at North Berwick
Our architect David and (hopefully) our builder Graham
Downtime after a day at the beach in NB
Jane and Mary at the foot of Meall Chuaich on a recce for the final Munro day on July 30
Martha and Mary outside Covent Garden after the opening night performance of Don Pasqualle
Triumphant after a swim at NB.  1st time on for M's wet suit. And a successful, and immersive,  christening.
Alan, Keith ( host ) and max at Fenton Barns.  We did ( just ) make it to the golf course for 9 holes.
Anna and Elin helping to light the fire for the barbeque
Jane, Christian, Mary, G, Johnny with Caroline's twins, and Anna and Elin
The immersion referred to.  Bass rock behind
Delicious they were despite some sand interference
With Sheila and Richard at their farm in Fife
This one needing some TLC.  Mary v happy to supply it.

Ireland - April ‘22

 The day after end of season and our last days of work we flew Icelandair Denver to Dublin and took the bus from there to Limerick where Meghan collected us.  We then had a glorious week with the Ryans full of activities with the children and a little biking on own mainly just in to Ennis and back. Curragh House looking superb during a beautiful spell of weather.

Meghan leading the way on walk in the Burren ...
.. and with Cormac now striding out
Angus, Meghan, Cormac, Iona, Dennis and Mary
Granny Moon giving a tutorial.  Twinkle in 3 part harmony

The view looking south from their living room window
Lots of light and lots of space !
Mary and Iona at Lahinch beach
Working on the bow action
They did make it - just !

End of 21/22 ski season

 This is how we will wish to remember it. Mary and I in the corner after skinning up for that delicious pancake breakfast that we’ll have to do without till the opening of Bonnie’s again next December. Fridays to the Cliffhouse, Buttermilk and Saturdays to Bonnie's. We hardly missed a week all season. Spectacular.