Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Ireland - April ‘22

 The day after end of season and our last days of work we flew Icelandair Denver to Dublin and took the bus from there to Limerick where Meghan collected us.  We then had a glorious week with the Ryans full of activities with the children and a little biking on own mainly just in to Ennis and back. Curragh House looking superb during a beautiful spell of weather.

Meghan leading the way on walk in the Burren ...
.. and with Cormac now striding out
Angus, Meghan, Cormac, Iona, Dennis and Mary
Granny Moon giving a tutorial.  Twinkle in 3 part harmony

The view looking south from their living room window
Lots of light and lots of space !
Mary and Iona at Lahinch beach
Working on the bow action
They did make it - just !

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