Thursday, June 23, 2022

Sergio’s graduation

 Sergio’s graduation. What a big day in the Aspen High School seniors calendar ! Mary and I were invited to sit with Sergio’s family in the Music Tent and we found it a fascinating experience. How different to high school graduations in the UK. A bit OTT and speeches not great but impressive nevertheless.

To conclude we took Sergio out to dinner and as a farewell present ( he’s heading off to College in Miami ) we gave him a nice copy of Alfred Lansing’s Endurance. Some good life long lessons there!.

We hope to wrap up our Big Buddy experience by meeting with the CEO Lindsay Lefaro shortly to give our assessment of the program after 12 years or more and 3 Little Buddies! Interesting ! 

                                    Fernando Jnr, Fernando Snr, Sergio, Monica & Jessica
                                                    The graduate with his proud Big Buddies
                                         Fernando  and Sergio
The ceremony in the Benedict Music Tent

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