The rest day in Henderson was well timed . It rained all day . Apart from valuable time in library , we visited the impressive Audobon , an early 19th century naturalist and bird painter ( who interstingly used an Edinburgh engraver ) museum and exhibition. The curator there Jackie in an incrdibly generous gesture offered to rescue us from our very wet campsite that evening and drive us across the river ( and back again at end of evening ) into Indiana for dinner at her house . She and Wayne gave us a most wonderful barbecue dinner with masses of fresh vegetables and much else. Pictured are her husband Wayne , brother Gib and his girlfriend Theresa and his daughter Hannah. Jackie also produced a beautiful illustrated old edition of Burns poems which I was pleased to try to read ( and interpret ) . A very jolly evening . What a wonderful act of kindness - totally spontaneous and we must have looked like a couple of vagrants - and what a lovely family .
It finally stopped raining late that night and we made an early start from the damp Audobon state park campsite for Owensboro. Made it there by lunch time ,but by the time we found a bike shop and got new tyre for Mary's bike , we decided to remain in Owensboro at motel . A vitally important part of each day for both of us is our back & yoga exercises. See superb illustration of Mary's `downward dog ` outside motel room on banks of the Ohio looking across to Indiana on a lovely sunny evening.
Finally a little on signs - a couple amused me . The entering of `police jurisdiction ` in Mississippi made we wonder what we had just come out of ! The ` no nothing ` bit may have been in or out of ` jurisdiction` . I'm not sure .
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