We've had one memorable day cycling after another - 4 since leaving the Executive Inn on the banks of the Ohio at Owensboro. Exceptionally good value there including
an ` eat all you can ` breakfast for #8 courtesy of the ` omelette man ` It obviously softened our senses a little as we took a wrong turn out of the city adding 5 miles before we even got started on the right road. The wind moved to the west just when we started heading east and we quickly made up time getting to Vastwood County park outside Hawesville by 4 ( 54 odd miles ) . Pitched camp there , but made the mistake of going out to eat ( could have settled for pizza at camp gates ) which involved another 6 miles there and 6 back . Bonus was that the view from our table at the restauraunt high above the Ohio and these enormous tug pushed coal barges entering the locks and heading up river to Louisville and beyond was magnificent . If we'd known our route the next day ( and the only place for breakfast within 30 miles ) was this same restauraunt we'd have settled for pizza willingly.
We left the campsite before 6 the next morning in the knowledge we had 75 miles to do the following day with a lot of hills on the way. Huge breakfast ( at the same Riverview restauraunt !) and then the most gorgeous ride through rolling Kentucky farmland following the Ohio for the next 69 miles. Wind was pretty neutral and with the hills factor , this was thge hardest day yet. But there was no alternative if we were to stick to the Adventure Cycling route as there was nowhere in between either to eat or sleep . We ended up at a service station at Brandenburg contemplating an almost impossibly difficult last 3 miles ( off route as it happened ) on a busy road to the motel we had pre-booked by phone the day before without ascertaining where it was. Rescued by a couple of `good samaritans` who not only drove us to Abe's Country Inn ( grander than it sounds ) but got us fixed up with reasonable quality take away food from a restauraunt a further 2 miles down the same busy road .
The power of recovery on a good night's rest though is a great thing and the fresh dawn brought renewed strength and enthusiasm where we thought neither might ever return. Because of the incredibly heavy traffic right outside our door and a daunting 3 miles plus back into Brandenburg we were sufficiently motivated to get going at day break ( clocks going forward an hour hadn't helped ) and we were seated inside the Brandenburg Permans cafe by 6.20 am ordering another dose of high protein and carbohydrates.
From there to Clarksville via the historic town of Corydon ( 60 odd miles )- site of Indiana's first capitol building and beautiflly maintained , a night at Holiday Inn in Clarksville ( with good views across the Ohio to Louisville, KY ) and then a further 60 mile ride yesterday to Madison , IND and the Clifty State Park where we've pitched our tent for 2 nights . A rest day to day and it's been bliss. Lots to see and a delightful old town right on the banks of the Ohio. A fascinating historical centre and it formed an important ` station` for escaping slaves .
Photos . 1. our lovely camping spot at Vastood Country Park, Hawesville, KY. 2. site of Lincoln's crossing over to Indiana. 3 site of our crossing over into Indiana. 4 view of Louisville, KY from our motel in Clarksville , IND ( extraordinarily containing an enormous and thriving shipbuilding yard ) and 5. Mary and Laura the owner of the laundramat in Madison who relieved us of just about everything we possessed while we enjoyed this gem of an historic town and refused to receive any payment.
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