First an apology to Tina and Chris at Perkinston. The photos I had hoped to attach with last entry did not get printed. I'll do so when next downloading pics.
Now in Greenville , FL having completed 5 good biking days since leaving Stu and Yie Mae in Destin.
The 1st day was tough after getting a tail wind 30 odd miles up to join the AC route at Mossy Head on SR90. Have been on SR90 more than we would have wished and when moderately heavy traffic is combined with a head ( or neutral ) wind for long stretches at a time , fatigue kicks in ! Got to Ponce De Leon ( Kellys please note ) where we clocked in to the only motel at $29 for a room. Rained during night and following morning departure delayed till after 8. As storm warnings forecast ( same storms that produced tornadoes that wiped out towns in Louisiana and Mississippi ) we were keen though to get going. Minor disagreement on strategy to avoid getting wet ! Amicably resolved .
63 miles later we got to Mariana, FL , checked in to motel & splashed out at $40 for room and had time to get guided tour into Florida State Park Caverns 3 miles away . 40 million years of cave evolution - remarkable. Superb Mexican meal and into motel room before the heavens opened . Quite a storm .
Woke up to clear blue skies and with a short day only to Chatahoochee ( 35 miles ) we were leisurely - spoke to kids on Skype and breakfast at Waffle House . At $6 for a full works sausage and eggs breakfast including trademark blueberry waffles, no complaints on bang for buck . Can prices go lower ? Can't help still but compare with similar fare in any eating establishment in UK . Waffle House not everyone's cup of tea but it fitted the bill that morning and tasted pretty good to me.
Lovely day biking with quiet roads, sun and perfect temp. Got to Lake Seminole COE ( Corps of Engineers ) campground just out of Chattahoochee. Campsite right on lake. Sunday night though and only place to eat was Hardees mile and half away . No alternative - grinned and beared and all that. We 've been lucky by and large and have mostly managed to avoid to date.
V early start next morning and covered the 52 miles to Tallahassee by mid afternoon. Got great assistance from Scot Benton ( the Bike House )with my bike gears and 2 of his mates guided us to the the bike trail ( for early following morning departure ) and got us to another cheapie motel nearby . Adequate , but after returning from an `all you can eat` pizza , salad and desert place ( $6 each ! ) , we were mildly alarmed that fron desk asked a security guy to accompany us to our room .
Another early start today and now in Greenville , FL - 63 miles on . A B & B tonight as no campsites close . V comfortable though .
Will attach pics at next public library I hope.
Pics added belatedly
1 & 2. M putting up clothes line after pitching tent on a very hot evening at a COE Lake Seminole campsite and sunset at same spot.
3. Scot at Bike Shop , Tallahassee who was so good to us.
4 Leaving Tallassee on bike trail.
5 Coffee stop at Ponticello , FL at Starducks - M showing a leg with `Mrs Starduck `. A hugely enjoyable interludeon a hard morning's riding into a stiff east wind.
6 & 7. Grace Manor a real refuge from rain for us at Greenville , FL and the v.hospitable Brenda, owner of this lovely B & B .
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