A memorable first week covering over 36o miles at an average speed of around 10.5 mph - much of it against an east wind. 4 nights in our tent at combination of state parks and private RV sites . All of them more than adequate. One v comfortable night on the floor of Tina & Chris Roberts house at Silver Run Lake outside Perkinston, MS. We were looking for a marked campsite there and met Tina & Chris ( see top pic above ) by chance. They told us it had ceased to be a campsite many years ago and offered ( nay insisted ) that we stay in their house half a mile away. Southern hospitality personified . The house they live in is next door and we had this one to ourselves . They also gave us a wonderful barbecue dinner with neighbours.
Other two nights at Campsites at Vancleave,MS, Dauphin Is, AL and Big lagoon State Park , Gulf beach , FL
Food stops often a major issue , but we were lucky I think. M's home made granola ( started off with 11 pounds of it in front panniers - fast disappearing ) helps us greatly with first 20 or so miles of the day especially when we usually hope to be cycling by 7 am !Good fish restauraunts all along the way. As pic shows, carbo loading also an essential and hugely enjoyable part of the process.
Now with Stu and Yie Mei ( our friends from Colorado from whom we bought 270 Meadow Ranch ) and who live half year here in Destin , FL - just south of Pensacola. The 20 odd mile stretch along Pensacola beach with tail wind was epic - stopping for a picnic lunch on beach on the way. The pic before shows us crossing over to P Beach.
The 4th and 5th pic from bottom show the approach to Dauphin Is , AL from the west ( bridge just visible in distance ) and the departure by ferry from east end of the island over to Fort Morgan, Orange Beach , Pensacola , etc. Fort Gaines at eastern end of island and where we camped was arguably where the Civil war was decided with the capture of the Confederacy Fleet - " damn the torpedoes - full steam ahead "
Top pic shows Tina ( of Chris & Tina who were so hospitable to total strangers at Silver Run Lake outside Perkinston) . 2nd top pic - M and Yie Mei .
On tomorrow ( and back on Adventure Cycling route ) to start crossing of FL Panhandle and to St Augustine FL where we hope to join up with Dick and Martha Stobbs from Atlanta and before heading north to Savannah , GA
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