Thursday, March 15, 2012

Annual Buddy Ski day











Local boarding instructor and good friend Ronnie gave us a wonderful gift of 2 hours of his hugely valuable time in helping Gaby to get going with his boarding. And Gaby did quite magnificently. Doing 180's and all sorts of tricks that Ronnie taught him (and us!). Here he is demonstrating superb toe edge technique. This was a free day for all Little buddies with their Big Buddies at Buttermilk with lunch provided in the middle of the day. It was Gaby's wish to switch to skis in the afternoon and here he is on the terrain park. It was this Rainbow that proved my undoing this time last year with almost disastrous consequences. Needless to say there was no repeat from me this year despite rather ghoulish encouragement from Mary and Gaby!

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