Thursday, August 9, 2012


It was hectic getting away, but with our neighbour Akasha driving us to the airport after an hour's circuit of the Tom Blake trail on mountain bike, we had a smooth trip. Aspen - Fort Worth/Dallas - London HTR - Shannon.  There we hired a car and drove the hour and half to Meghan in Roscrea.  And what a memorable 14 day stay we had there.  Cormac ( largely ! ) on terrific form and 7 day old Iona deliciously cute.  With Dennis doing a lot of locum work and long hours 'Granny Moon' and Grandad put to work in no uncertain manner. 

All going swimmingly well until Iona contracted a very nasty virus and spent with Meghan and Dennis 5 says in HDU , Limerick Gen Hosp.  Terribly worrying and a nightmare for M & D particularly not knowing precisely what it was.  We manned the fort with 20 month old Cormac and progressed leaps and bounds in the granny/grandad bonding process -  wearing us almost to a shred in the process ! But hugely satisfying, mostly a lot of fun ,  and we were so pleased to be on hand to help in this significant way.

Iona now made full recovery with she and Meghan safely back home and we're back in Snowmass enjoying the rest of the music festival. A long and tiring journey with both of us suffering , we suspect,  from the virus Iona had ,  but the sun and warmth not to mention the  ' relaxed ' lifestyle we lead aiding recovery. The occasional bit of relief bus driving is most welcome though.  Mary not yet back to gardening with Gracie but next week maybe.

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