Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Asheville , Lexington, Columbus and back to the Rim Trail!

Since getting back from Ireland and hearing the wonderful news of Iona's complete recovery from that nasty virus which had her in the HDU of Limerick general Hospital for 4 days, it's been hectic.

Mary's mother recovering from carotid artery surgery needed help to get back to independent living at Deerfield and we decided to make a road trip out of it , driving across Kansas ( again! ), stay with Betty a week and then return via Columbus, OH to enjoy Labour Day weekend with Duncan and Katy . The plan worked well and we managed too to fit in a delicious lunch with John and Luanne Milward in Lexington, KY ( managing too a quick visit to Bob and Sue Fox's house also in Lexington ) and an early morning breakfast with Mike and Joan Weingarten at CrackerBarrel outside Dayton on I.70 as we headed home from Columbus.

                        Betty performing at her 90th in front of 50 or so guests at Deerfield. These celebrations took place 3 months earlier on June 9,  but I failed to record them at the time.
              Betty with her sister Polly and the 3 girls after performing "Today while the blossom....."
                               The birthday girl holding the Ryan card - the only ones sadly missing
          John & Luanne Milward who were so good to Meghan , Jane , and Duncan many years ago
 Bob Fox , our ex neighbour from Douglas Crescent , Edinburgh days almost 40 years ago and his wife Sue.  Bob introduced us originally to the Milwards
 Duncan when he hosted me for a round at the OSU course minutes from where he and Katy live
       A highlight of Columbus visit joining 104,000 at an OSU football match.  Incredible.
                             Making the O...H...I...O  sign on conclusion of an easy OSU win.
         A comfortable interlude in a delightful 40 plus mile bike trip to north of Columbus
    Back on more comfortable terrain  - our beloved Rim Trail above our house at  Snowmass
                                        Ditto - views to the South of Capital and Daly Peaks
                 With Gaby at the annual Aspen picnic at the Aspen municipal golf course.                                     Catering for all provided free by the Town for the first 750 !
                                                       We weren't late!
                                     Mary fishing with Gaby on other side of pond - stoic she was !

Back now to Snowmass where G has 2 weeks before setting off back to UK for End to End bike trip.  Mary will be over in mid Oct in time for a 2 week family reunion - minus D&K - at North Berwick. Bus driving and a lot of mountain biking , music ,  bike trips to Aspen,  time with Gaby, etc keep us from getting idle.

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