Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 4 Glastonbury to Chepstow

Made it into Wales !  Leaving the English west country with some nostalgia but not a little relief . Everyone told me the first 3 or 4 days would be tough , and I feel the training at 8,000 ft and the odd Rim Trail or Tom Blake Trail ( 2 favourite mountain bike rides of ours  in , not to mention a grueling climb up Mt Mitchell outside  Asheville , NC ) have made it possible. Never though have I seen such steep hills on narrow country roads ( and I mean straight up - no  U bends ) keep coming at you so consistently as you see for the length of  Devon.
Wells Cathedral

Severn bridge

The George , Chepstow

Left the George & Pilgrim in Glastonbury and relied on Satmap ( he's become such a good friend I have to christen him -" Charlie " I've decided in honour of my dear father who was a pioneer in the early days of pocket chess computers and named his formidable adversary Charlie ) to get back on mapped route . Through Cheddar bu not so sign of cheese factories. 

Then skirted Bristol on the SW side , found a series of good bike tracks first over the Avon bridge and 8 miles or so further on the newer of the 2 suspension bridges over the Severn. The lovely town of Chepstow beckoned a couple of miles or so on the north side and 6.30 ( half an hour or so before dark ) I checked in very happily to the George Hotel .  63 miles and lovely prospect of Offa's Dyke separating Welsh and English border tomorrow.

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