Friday, March 23, 2018

Ski season 2017/18

Maybe we've become spoilt with 10 brilliant snow years out of 10.  This one, as end March draws near, has fallen well below expectations. Snow pack is away down on the average and likely water shortages in the Colorado river basin are in prospect.

We did get snow eventually in about mid February, and although a bad snow year in Colorado is a far cry from a bad snow year in Europe, it was disappointing for the locals. The guests were happy enough. There always top to bottom skiing on all 4 mountains from end November, but thanks largely to significant snow blowing facilities. And of course many brilliant cloudless days and cold temps. We were saved by the bell though with 2 substantial falls at a crucial time. Disaster was staring the whole valley in the face. Worst for over 40 years.

Despite this, we've had some good powder days on skis and boards and a skinning expedition on one of our days off virtually every week since the season opened in November. Skinned up to Bonnie's today  ( March 23 ) on Ajax and pancakes right up to scratch. Should be enough snow to get us through to end of season on April 15.

Our only guests this year were Bill and Carol from Ohio and Steamboat and Martha from Atlanta - sorry Martha , no pics this year. But we did enjoy skinning up to Gwyns and Buttermilk with you 2 days running.  Great effort.  Not forgetting of course Duncan, Katy , Oliver and Maggie whom we put up in a condo in Woodbridge ( we have delightful tenants in our basement , Carolina and Rodrigo from Baroloche, Argentina for the winter ) and they had a fabulous week with us. Hugely happy days.

Now with 3 weeks to end season , we're winding down.  Jobs have gone well and although each year I say this will be my last, I've already signed on for next year ! Keeps me engaged with the local community, keeps dementia at bay ( I hope ), earns useful extra cash, and provides great benefits. Healthcare costs covered for the whole year ( despite working for only 5 months ) , dental costs, optician's and cash rec benefit in lieu of lift pass which I get as a dependent of Mary's as full time employee of Aspen Skiing Co. Mary has one of the best jobs in the village for Skico.  Guest Services desk in the Mall , Snowmass and she loves it.  Born to it in fact. Problem solving all day long with never a dull moment.

Ending on a sad note, my dear sister Barbara who came to stay with us here last summer has only days to live - a victim of bowel cancer..  I will fly back to Scotland for the funeral within the next 2 weeks in all likelihood .  She's been a wonderful elder sister and we'll miss her hugely.

x-country skiing up towards Maroon Bells

a day at Snowmass with Bill and Carol

Powder day on Timberline, Snowmass

same day - Garrets Gulch

M banking some lovely turns in the powder

The Buick disguised

Adult ski day with D & K - kids in ski school/ kiddie camp

Duncs and i setting off on a bowl hike

summit of Highland Bowl

D making some good tele turns

Fabulous upper bowl conditions

Taking a break on G4

Oli collecting important ingredients for the snowman

....and here's the result

..but the star of the show/snow is camera shy. Katy claiming the credit. Granny Moon largely responsible.

Won't give up

ready to hit the slopes - panda peak at Buttermilk

Maggie bundled up

Oli setting his own slalom course

Moonlight ski to top of Buttermilk for a superb dinner

Full moon duly obliged by rising as we neared the summit

D and I up on Funnel , Snowmass before dawn to watch the start of the Power of Four

Power of Four contestants
Couldn't keep up with them but we did make it to top of Long Shot as sun was rising

Admiring the Maroon Bells

Granny Moon on duty at the treehouse

Taking after his father and Uncle Johannes

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