Monday, May 14, 2018

White Rim Trail

Another adventure of epic proportions

M and I had one day to get organised after returning from Scotland , NYC, Houston and Asheville.

Drove to Moab ( after a stop at dentists in Grand Junction - with intenton of curing sleep apnea (snoring ) problem with dental device - M very pleased ) and met up with Lee for dinner. Following morning we all - Lee,  M and I , Duncan & Katy, and their friends Peter and Juliana  and Paul and Dana - met at the Rim Tours office in Moab. Thereafter followed an amazing 4 days .  Second time for us with Lee and Julie organising it almost singlehandedly last time. This trip , fully supported by Rim Tours for the fabulous price of $950 per person, made us realise how much we owe to Lee and Julie for their huge generosity and organisational skills 5 years ago.

We hired bikes from Rim Tours at extra cost , but it was worth it. They transported all 9 of us plus our two guides Mike and Zack to the trailhead in Canyonlands National Park an hour or so away.

Duncan, Peter and Paul ( all superfit ) had had 3 days cycling on their own for 3 days, so fortunately they had burnt off a little steam. All then joined by their wives and the 3 senior citizens in Lee, Mary  and me for this 4 day , 3 night trip into the Utah desert.

 An unqualified success. We were spoilt rotten with all meals cooked for us - breakfast , lunch and dinner.  The 3 campsites all equipped with chemical toilet ( unbelievably no smell at all and very clean ) were top notch - Airport, Whitecrack and Potato Bottom were all spectacular in their own way. Total distance a little over 110 miles. Nothing technical , but some steep hills which all but the boys had to push in parts. Great weather,  super company, hard exercise, and breathtaking nights under clear an dbright starlit skies. About as perfect as it could be.

Pics speak for themselves (almost ! )

Lee with Duncan, Dana, Katy and Paul
Top: G, Duncan, Dana, Paul, Zack (guide), Juliana, Peterseated: Mike (guide), Lee, Katy, Mary

Our descent to the White Rim a geological layer of hard white rock below which is the Colorado river

"Airport' campsite

From the White Rim looking down to the Colorado River
The White rim with massive 100 feet deep or more fissure

Juliana, Katy, Dana

Peter , cocktail specialist who prepared  amazing concoctions for us each evening before dinner

Day 3 ; Mike and Zack preparing the evening meal, Peter doling out cocktails, Mary having a wash!

The green river 10 miles of so north of its confluence with the Colorado river

Katy reaches the top of the plateau at the end of a long climb and the finish of our trip - and she pedaled the whole way!

We say goodbye to Lee back in Moab

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