Friday, November 1, 2019

Australia - phase 3 - Charlotte Plains

My cousin Anita (Neets) had flown in from Emerald and then come from Brisbane airport to Toowoomba where I met her off the bus. She spent the night at Rod's house and joined Rod, Jen and me for dinner in town that evening. The following morning Rod, Neets and I flew from Toowoomba Wellcamp airport to Cunnamulla where Robyn met us and drove us back to CP. Straight on to the motor bike ( change from the horses I used to ride to do the same job 54 years ago ! ) to muster some cattle.

The next three days were filled with excitement and adventure combined with getting some quality time with Rod, Robyn and Neets.

A very special trip and visit.

Rod and Neets about to board the plane for Cunnamulla at Toowoomba's new Wellcamp airport

Robyn and Rod displaying the CP billboard outside the museum in Cunnamulla

Looking for cattle - Cozzi and Neets
About to crack a beer at end of a long day !

The view from my window at CP

Rod taking a critical eye at the cattle mustered the night before
Robyn's mother Lorraine - a remarkable lady.

Dear " Poppy " - RIP

Robyn with a little guy who kept falling behind in the muster

Fun, fun, fun

Work in the yards the following day - Robyn at the " drafting gate "

The two Rods at Adginbong the neighbouring sheep station. I spent a memorable day mustering with Roderick ( Taylor ) here 54 years ago.

Back at CP and more sheep to get in the yards

A powerful beast this !
Zunaicha - the delightful Aruban (and now Dutch) student helping at CP for a few months

Trying to earn my keep - rather tentatively it seems

Neets and her partner Michael before they set off together for Emerald
Zunaicha, Rod and Robyn before departure at Cunnamulla airport

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