Tuesday, November 5, 2019


The flight from Edinburgh to Shannon is usually easy and uneventful.  Not so on this occasion. Because of a " hurricane " apparently about to strike the west coast of Ireland, we were diverted to Cork and lucky I think even to land there. In fact the hurricane was nothing more than some strongish winds and torrential rain. Nothing new there for either Ireland or Scotland !

We had a week staying in the comfortable B&B house - The railway B & B - owned and run by Dennis and Kathleen - virtually across the road from Meghan and Dennis's vet clinic. Perfect in every way.

We were thrown right in at the deep end at Ballygirreen with Meghan and Dennis going off to Galway for the night leaving us in sole charge on night 1. But all went well and kids on A1 behaviour with us. Quite delightful they were, and Granny Moon and Grandad accepted into the fold !

Week went by in a flash and as always, sad to leave. Back in June - Ballygirreen to Ballygriffey with luck.

The new house at Ballygriffey- potential 'granny flat ' material in the background !

Iona showing us her room

The latest is that the windows are now in. Hurray.
Angus, Iona , Cormac

Iona with her new violin

Legoland at Ballygirreen

The obstacle course set for Grandad.  Stuck at this stage I think.
A session in a pub in Ennis. 30 others though

A family hike on Twelve O'clock Hills

Seorsie, Iona and Mary in a session of their own
Taking time out
Cormac, Mary and I all sharing " our' birthday cake

At Lehinch

Brotherly love

Becoming a good little helper

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