Monday, May 25, 2009

Lake Erie to Lake Huron

1. M & Duncan before dinner at a superb restauraunt in Ithaca. Had breakfast with him early next morning and then back to Buffalo, returned the hire car and
2. on to the Peace Bridge separating USA and Canada 20 miles or so ( into the wind again ! ) up river from Niagara Falls.
3 the Falls in spectacular style.
4.Plaque showing how advanced Canada was over its neighbours in abolishing slavery and thus the creation of the UGRR. ( sorry , got wrong order here - see top photo )
5.Drinking a welcome ` cold one ` on the shores of Lake Huron at Craigleith Provincial Park on our last night before reaching Owen Sound. Despite well over a thousand feet of climbing on last day, we savoured ( Mary might not use that word ) every mile of that historic last 40 miles albeit against a strongish west wind.
5. Standing at what was known as the final terminal of the UGRR.
6. The plaque explaining the signifance of the various coded signs guiding the escaping slaves on their phenomenal journeys. And we thought it was hard on a bicycle with all the modern clothes and comforts !

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