From 106% F when we left Sydney to - 10% F in the first week of arrival back in Snowmass , there was a bit of adjusting required. Back though almost immediately to 5am daily alarm and much needed work after 2 month holiday
1. M back to work ( guest services Snowmass for 4th year ) leaving 270 after lunch in smart Ski Co uniform and 2 way radio. Ist day for both of us Thanksgiving Day when season opened . Good conditions but numbers down on previous year.
2. Back on the No 3 route. Staging stop at Snowmass Club with good view of Mt Daly.
3 Study in concentration - back to the `right` side of the road again. Felt good to be back. Have 5 good shifts per week ( 2 day and 3 afternoon/evening ) and again a delightful bunch of co drivers. Huge benefit in being 5 minutes from work. Excellent benefits including the all important one of health cover for M and me.
4 Women's FIS world cup GS on Aspen Mtn - last w/e in November .
5 With Lee Miller - a long time Aspenite introduced by Scottish friend Stuart Briggs - meeting up at Gwyns High Alpine before a delightful afternoon skiing at Snowmass.
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