The wedding week during which we took a let of a beach house right above Shelley beach ( 3 fairways of Tuggerah Golf course being the only thing separating us from miles of beautiful sand and surf was phenomenal. A relaxing family holiday but full of activity culminating in a pub dinner at the Entrance Hotel on the Friday night, the wedding on Bateau Bay beach and reception and dinner at the golf club therafter , and a breakfast barbecue at Katy's parents house on the day after.
The wedding was spectacular . Weather perfect and a setting to die for. Piper followed by Duncan and his 2 `best men ` - his sisters - led the procession and a really lovely ceremony taken by a delightful celebrant and with 100 people ( 15 or so kilts ) attending. Photographs can be seen on the following websites. With the second one below ( i.e the Utube link - all brilliantly taken and set up by D & K's friend Tony from Ithaca )you may have to type in ` Duncan & Katy wedding ` in the search box and it should come up -
Photos from bottom
1.This is a view of Sydney from North Heads ( M and I walked here from Manly beach ) - Bateau Bay is north up the coast from here about 100 miles.
2. Preparing for rehearsal duties on Bateau Bay beach.
3. D & K getting their lines straight under watchful eyes of his ` best men `
4. The 6th fairway at Tuggerah Golf Club
5. Immediately following phase 1 of the bucks ' party a deep sea fishing expedition way out beyond Sydney Harbour ( a small fishing boat taking us under the bridge and , spectacularly , out through the harbour ).
5. Psyching up for a surfboard lesson - our coach - a former Aussie champion.
6. Katy's parents Murray and Judy having just carried off the amazing feat of cooking breakfast on a barbecue for 80 odd wedding guests on the morning after.
7. 2 of many special guests at the breakfast who travelled huge distances to be with us - Rod and Jen with Meghan.
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